it was an interesting Saturday morning, [17.9.2005]. at about 09H23 (mind you that at this time, i usually am still asleep suffering the repercussions of the preceding Friday), i received a call on my mobile from TMR whom i had promised that i will be joining a group of rather mundane male creatures with a primary intent to attempt to kick a spherical object (somewhat resembling a soccer ball), poorly simulating what is commonly known as 'playing soccer'. well, off i drove. the destination was a cricket-turned-soccer field opposite my former place of dwelling during the early years of me at UCT, a.k.a. Kopano. i arrived first and as i was thinking that i was late and it was all over, the majority of the gang pulled off.
after kicking the darn spherical object around for a while, we concurred that we should maybe separate into two teams and play this soccer thing, and because there were a handful of us (six to be precise), we settled for a ‘small poles’ game in a 75 square meter piece of land. whether what we afterwards called first half went by in a flash or i simply passed out after the first minute, i am not sure. what i am sure of though is that a few mysterious gentlemen (was it three of them?) arrived in a mysteriously looking black (eclipse-black) automobile, all dressed up in an irrelevant genre considering the occasion we were so eagerly gathered there for.
after these gentlemen assured us that they were indeed hither for the same cause as we were, we decided to begin what we then termed ‘second half’ in a space more elaborate than the former piece of land. this second half saw a team of five vs four (of which i was part of the four). the rest of the happenings of this half are much rather left untold, although i can quote someone describing something mimicking a “A MAN-SIZE RUGBY BALL ROLL DOWN A FLIGHT OF STAIRS”, i'm not quite sure what that was…
‘third half’ was a breeze, it was about 20 minutes long, with an avalanche of goals and perchance one-sided.
all in all, Saturday was good. i think it was a beginning of something good. as someone has already stressed this point, summer is before us and we need to welcome it without the blubber that has accumulated over the winter period and beer drinking sessions.